Monday, October 31, 2011

they're (not so) grrrrrrreat

whenever i was little, i used to love frosted flakes. well not anymore. i seem to be surrounded by them everyday and they're getting really old. i'd rather be surrounded by a buncha honey nuts... because at least they're better for you.

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we all have those flakes in our lives whether we realize it or not. too bad i'm realizing it everyday. we've got the snow flakes, the corn flakes, and the dandruff flakes. but most especially, the frosted flakes.

frosted flakes. they seem so nice on the outside, but really, once you let them set in the milk, they get all soggy and limp and they break apart. they look very decieving. you think they're going to be there forever but soon enough they disinigrate.

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tucan sam once told me, "be a fruitloop in a world full of cheerios."

Saturday, October 22, 2011

you may say i'm a dreamer

with so much going on, i've managed to get my college aps accomplished for the most part! it was not easy balancing studying for tests and doing homework for the next day while trying to apply to college (which seems so far away), but i did it!!
anyhoo... the essays i've written have me thinking about my future and my dreams. my dreams are pretty outlandish but my heart just knows. maybe i'm already living in my dreams right now. who knows. all i know is lately i've been daydreaming.  my head has been in the clouds. the clouds of my dreams.

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what could i do that would make a name for myself? ...a name that even the people in italy would hear of. but dreams dont even have to start out to be so extravagant. i could have a million little dreams. what is a dream even? i think it is just a snipit of your future. don't ignore your dreams, but instead, believe in the beauty of your dreams, even if they seems impossible. nothing is impossible unless you say it is.

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i know some people who are afraid to dream or who are afraid of their future. who have also given up a lot of hope. i think it's just straight up stupid. and it makes me sad when people doubt themselves. seriously, just stop. there is nothing wrong with being a dreamer. really, all it takes is for one to believe in oneself and with true perserverance and passion, they can do anything. seriously, dreams come true everyday. what day is gonna be the day your dreams come true? in a year? when you're "older"? you don't know? for me, my dreams start today. and so could yours. dont let others getcha down.

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remember this: the two most important days of your life are when you are born and when you find out why. rember that.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


so my mom took me n lauren and brendan on a lil senior pic photoshoot today.

disclaimer: being serious is something us 3 friends cannot usually handle so that is why most of these pics are goofy-fied.

i mustache you a question.....

real laughter. lol.

my breathtaking, stunning, beautiful, illuminating best friend, lauren. aka my sissy from anotha missy.

aw my very handsome, funny, illuminating best friend, brendan. aka brother from anotha mother.

^that girl would be yours truly, me, illuminating kate.

haha idk just a random


hahaha not to brag... but we are rediculously funny.

when you look at those 3 good lookin people, i dont know what comes first to your mind... but i think they look like friends forevz.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

if my life had a soundtrack...regina spektor would sing it

i'm so in love with regina spektor. her voice is amazin'. her lyrics are also the bomb diggity. i was totally inspired by this song. i think it is about two people who fall in love and their love is so grand that even when they are both gone, their love still lasts forever.

this piece is very symbolic. the roots represent how deeply in love they are and how woven into the earth their love is.  the rest is pretty self explanatory. anyway, hope ya like the song. we all deserve to have love like this♥

Monday, October 10, 2011

always me

lately, people in my life have been changing and it's been a little different. i dont really know if its good change or bad change but life isnt stopping so i'm just gonna keep on being me. i'm not gonna let others determine who i am. i really think its important to surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams and who support you all the way there.

i've been thinking about the people who are in my life at this very moment. are they all here for a good purpose? do they make me happy? do they distract me? do they ask me how i'm doing? do they even really care about me? or am i just that one friend who is always there for them only when they need me? yeah, i dont really know the answers to all those questions but i think i have an idea.

it's whateva, i guess. even if a friend changes a little, it doesn't mean you cant be friends with eachother at all anymore. just maybe not as much friends. high school is a crazy journey and its just the beginning of our life stories. we are just starting to create our wrinkles and scars. friends will come and go. i'm okay with that because those who matter will never leave.

everything was always meant to be.

while some people change to try to find who they are, i'm just gonna keep on being me. i'm not saying i'm never going to change because everyone changes. but what i am trying to say is... dont change just to be accepted by people who you barely know. dont change to be "cool." dont change your life based on the decisions of others. be you. be true to you. 

yup. i'm kate joy mcd. and i'll always be true.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

baby kate

So here's a lil story for ya:

my dad is a freakishly amazing mathematician. he does math for fun.

my mom is the most awesome artist there ever was. she does art for fun.

mom♥  + dad♥  = baby kate

baby kate gets the best of both worlds and can do math and art. however, art is her passion.

math is not so much her passion.

math is easy in elementary school because she can do 1+1=2.

math is still easy in middle school.

she grows up and goes to high school.... is this a joke? she starts liking math! maybe she wants to do math for fun with her dad.

she goes on to geometry... eh ok maybe math isn't her thing anymore.


then she gets to algebra 2 and gets the worst teacher of all time but she still pulls out a good grade.

senior year she has to take pre-calc.................................................  "AW HELL THIS IS HARD!!!" she no likey math anymore but she is a really good student and doesnt catch "senioritis" and still does pre-calc homework for hours everynight so she can understand the lessons. she works so so so so so so so so so hard on pre-calc and what grade did she get?
a FREAKING 69.0%..........

baby kate gets her first D on her report card. baby kate is sad. but baby kate is so motivated to start fresh on the next grading period. baby kate wants an A.

baby kate is going to get an A next time.

**to be continued......................... dun dun dun

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

portfolio day yay

so excited... just got a few more college applications sent and feel a little less weight off my shoulders. i'm feelin purty good since the SAT and ACT are over... but still plenty of craziness to keep my senior year never at a dull moment!!

a couple weekends ago, i went to Herron School of Art for National Portfolio Day and it was seriously amazing and so encouraging. National Portfolio Day was held at Herron School of Art and Design on September 25 (open to the public) and it was a chance to meet college representatives from all over the country who gave helpful feedback to anyone's artwork.

Going to the portfolio overview definitely gave me the dose of confidence i have been needing for my art lately. I had such a successful outcome... every college rep i talked to gave me encouraging things about my artwork. they loved my art! It gave me a sense of accomplishment and i felt so proud of myself. really, i was on cloud 26 or something like that.

I've never actually "showed off" my art before. I mean, yeah, I show it to my family and close friends and stuff but never to strangers. It was weird just standing with my portfolio in front of a stranger who probably knows alot more about art than i do. i will admit i was shy at first, but it was so easy to overcome because my art is who i am and once they got a feel for my art, they knew who i was. it was seriously as easy as that.

I did get some comments of how i could improve my art and i am so grateful because i want to work on my weaknesses. I want to strive to become a better artist everyday.  Overall, national portfolio day was a freaking awesome day.  I am so so so so so happy i took the time to go.

Before i went to national portfolio day, i was deadset on going to a university for college. haha now i already have two art schools i am going to apply to. Who knows where i will end up.... God knows where i'm going and i'm just gonna follow his lead ♥ But for now............. i'm just going to be working on my portfolio and living up my teenage years. i don't know about you, but that sounds fun to me!

i am fo-sho loving my artsy, funny, studious, adventuring, happy, joyful, carefree, high-school, friendly teenage life. also, this is very random but i desperately need to make some pink hello kitty pumpkins for my frontporch. i'm sure my brothers wouldn't mind... hehe. she's just so cute.

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